Cote d`Ivoire : Mamdou KOULIBALY- Presentation of a new opposition`s party in Cote d'Ivoire.

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Press conference - Presentation of a new party `s opposition in Cote d'Ivoire.
Politique © par Prisca
`What do LIDER?


LIDER: Freedom and Democracy for the Republic of Ivory Coast is a political party created July 14, 2011 that `s included in the course of classical liberalism and that stands for democracy and` market economy.

Mamadou Koulibaly, president, Mireille Patricia Gnagna Fatou Affoum-Bamba, Issaac Tape, Sylvestre Konin, Claude and Roland Dagher Brissi are the founding members.

To the question `Is that what that
new party LIDER will  bring to the Ivorian  prefesseurs Mamadou Koulibaly answers:
`` The novelty is that it `we position ourselves as an opposition party` s in a country where there are no more opposition.
`novelty is that we are promoting private property, the` market economy and freedom `s business.
Specificity it `s that we are convinced that the land of Cote d` Ivoire for the iviorians populations. We need the Ivorian people find their land. The rights of private property should be promoted.

  The idea is that we position ourselves as the party that will demand the parliamentary system in Cote d `Ivoire presidential systems in place that causes desaster `` Mamadou Koulibaly

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